How To Keep Puppy From Crying In Crate At Night Or Day? 

Many use crates as a good way to train your puppy, especially if you want to show it to behave in a house or apartment. 

Yet, puppies need attention and isolation can understand as a punishment. 

If you wonder how to keep a puppy from crying in the crate you should read this article and find the best tips for your situation! 


Why Keep Puppy In Crate

Keeping a puppy in a crate might seem like strict training, but it is just a part of training to get a good and trained dog. Some people rely on it as only training to teach their pets, but it can`t replace other efforts to teach them how to behave. The crate is an ideal way to get a sleeping routine or to explain their space. Yet, it should be incorporated with orders and training methods to get results. Because you should have a lot of time and nerves for good training, some might believe that closing the will do the most instead. Yet, one of the most frustrating things will be when your puppy will cry closed in the room. To ensure them good training and avoid depression and anxiety that may lead to the nervous and bad-behaved puppy you should ensure a good crate and positive surroundings. Everything that minimizes stress and crying will lead to a happier puppy and a better training effect. 

Keeping puppies in the crate will help you teach them which is their personal space and how should they behave in the apartment. Also, it is ideal for keeping them closed while you’re at work or outside. What is more, some dogs need private and protected space to rest and feel secured. Still, if you don’t have space for a crate, there are many dog crate alternatives to keep your dog safe and train it from a young age. 

Why Is Puppy Crying In Crate

There are numerous reasons why is puppy crying in a crate and most of them are connected to its young age. It is completely normal behaviour when you separated them from other puppies and mothers. Since they feel isolated and alone, they will vocalise their feelings and cry. It is also a sign that they need attention and want to socialise with others. Dogs are very social animals and they consider humans part of their life, so they need to feel loved and involved, they need to feel touch and be a part of the group. Matured dogs usually don`t show their loneliness with crying, but puppies will still use it as a sign of how they feel.  

How To Keep Puppy From Crying In Crate At Day 

There are several ways to make your puppy feel comfortable and less alone during the day to prevent crying. Here are some of the most popular tips on how to keep a puppy from crying in the crate. 


Use The Right Crate

Puppies should feel comfortable and have enough space in the crate to move and feel comfortable. They are very curious, so extra space for playing or running is ideal to prevent whining or making trouble. While some puppies cry, others may become more aggressive and destroy things in the crate. The ideal crate should be big enough to fit the puppy and have enough space when it grows. What is more, it should have a comfortable base and safe sides. If you use metal and wired crate, be sure it doesn`t have sharp edges. It is recommended to use plastic or glass crates instead.   

Treat Them When They Go Inside

Treating is a very effective way to avoid punishment feeling when you want to close your dog inside a crate. Make or buy a puppy treat and use it only when you want to embrace good behaviour or make them do something. Puppy treat should be completely safe and good for their health, so a good option is a vegetable treat. When you train them, consider they will eat more treats and regulate their general amount of food. Be sure that they are active enough to prevent getting overweight. 

Get Your Puppy Comfortable

The puppy should feel comfortable in a crate and while it needs to have enough space to move and play, it also should feel warm and cosy. The base should be soft and thick to prevent it from injuring, but an extra piece of advice is to fill it with blankets and cosy material. It is very helpful if they smell your scent, so use an old T-shirt and wear it for a day before putting it inside. It will remind them of you and they will certainly feel safer when being alone. A warm and cosy blanket feels like they are being held, which will calm them while you are absent. 

Fill It With Toys

Something that will occupy the puppy is an ideal way on how to prevent the puppy from crying in the crate. Filling crates with toys will make it more interesting to them and natural curiosity will embrace them to explore inside and show the will to stay and play. Puppy toys should be soft and without small parts, they may eat, especially when you`re absent. If you aren`t sure, check toys for puppies in any pet store. 


Provide Potty Breaks

Puppies can’t hold it as long as matured dogs, so if you want to avoid a negative situation for both you and it, make sure it has enough potty breaks. The idea of the bigger crate is ideal in a situation to make a corner for toys, blanket and sleeping and potty break. A puppy that peed on the blanket will feel bad and uncomfortable, which will embrace crying. A 3-month-old puppy can hold it for 4 hours maximum, so be sure that it can have a break when they need. Once they become older, teach them to stop with this habit.  

How To Keep Puppy From Crying In Crate At Night

The first step in getting a dog to sleep in a crate with the door open is to teach it that sleeping inside a crate is comfortable and completely safe for it. Crying at night might be very annoying for you and cause you many problems with sleep which can result in punishing it. If you ever wanted to know how to get a puppy to stop whining at night, you should read those tips! 

Ignore The Whining Behaviour

The easiest way, but the most frustrating, is to ignore the whining behaviour. This certainly is the longest way on how to keep a puppy from whining at night, but it will understand that whining won`t give them any attention. When you give attention, they will continue to do it until you repat your behaviour. Puppies should learn that quiet and calm behaviour will result in releasing and getting attention. 

Exercise A Lot

To be sure your puppy will sleep during the night, it should be exhausted from the day before. Be sure that your puppy is very active during the day, which evolves enough playing and walking. Once they are tired, they will seek a comfortable place to sleep. Be sure that you use the crate only for keeping closed when you are absent and sleeping at night. Release them at the moment you are home and let them play enough outside of it to remind them of sleep.  

dark room

Make The Room Dark And Consider Placement

Although it sounds unnecessary, crate placement is very important for a puppy to feel safe and comfortable. It should be placed in a dark corner of a room or apartment, so they know when it’s time to sleep. If they see you reading or watching television before going to sleep, they might remain active. Don`t keep them in the bedroom since it may be very stressful and exhausting to hear whining all night. 

When To Worry

Puppy crying is normal behaviour in the first year of their life. It is expected in the first months or two when they move in and need time to adapt to new surroundings. A bit of whining is regular, but if a puppy is becoming aggressive or hurt itself in an attempt to escape, you should seek help. Usually, it means they had some kind of trauma or experienced bad behaviour before. It is ideal to contact a veterinarian or dresser to help you and teach you how to handle the situation. 

To Sum Up

Having a puppy is a very exciting period, full of sweet situations. However, there may be small problems with training. Since some tend to close the puppy in the crate to avoid problems and as part of training, they might cry at the beginning. How to prevent the puppy from crying in the crate might be easier than you think. Just be very patient and try to make it a positive experience using cosy blankets, a lot of toys and puppy treats. If you need a dog crate, you might be interested in the heavy-duty metal dog crates or indoor dog crate furniture.

Joana has graduated in Linguistics in 2014. and began her work experience as a journalist and freelance writer. Her professional writing experience, as well as experience with pets, brought her to Petovly where she’s an editor. Working on the site, she collaborates with vets and animal shelter workers she has met when she was volunteering as a student. This experience made her an expert in pets’ care, breeds, and diseases.