They get a bad reputation because of their association with dirty cities and diseases they don’t usually carry with them but pigeons are just as good of a pet as birds like cockatiels, African greys, etc…
If you know anything about birds you know that choosing a proper cage is probably the most important thing you’ll have to do in the beginning. The same reigns true for pigeon cages but there are some major differences to recognize and learn about.
The Summary
With a few shelves that you can easily place inside due to two large entrances, this will make a perfect cage for a pair of pigeons.
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The hexagon shape makes its floor space big enough for 2 pigeons to comfortably walk inside it. It’s made in the antique style to blend better.
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Since pigeons love the company of other pigeons, they’ll surely enjoy the fact that you can house a total of 15 inside this loft.
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Pigeons As Pets
Contrary to popular belief, pigeons make great pets. They’re affectionate, bond with their owner easily, and are just a bundle of joy when cared for properly. They’re not as high maintenance as some other bird species either.
Pet Pigeon Breeds
There are a total of 5 pigeon breeds most likely to be housed as pets. They are easy to train and are just plain beautiful. These breeds are King, Fantail, Homing, Tumbler, and Barb pigeons. You can get them from breeders but there are plenty of pigeons in rescues as it is so if you can, we recommend you adopt.
Can Pigeons Be Kept In A Cage?
They certainly can and it’s even easier to choose the appropriate cage than it is to choose a cage for other pet bird species like parrots and parakeets.
What Is A Pigeon Cage Called
Although pigeons can be housed in flight cages and aviaries meant to house other birds, it would be best to get your hands on a pigeon loft or coop. They’re practically the same as aviaries and flight cages but there are some key differences (lofts and coops are more likely to have designated breeding areas). You’ll get two housing options location-wise: indoor and outdoor.
Indoor – When housed indoors, you’ll usually want to aim for housing them inside a flight cage or a dog kennel. We do recommend pairing them with another pigeon in case you can’t spend too much time with them daily.
Outdoor – You’ll usually house them in aviaries and it’s more likely that you’ll have a handful of pigeons housed inside too. The aviary has to be predator-proof. That includes larger predatory birds, rodents, and other predatory animals.
Things To Learn Before Purchase
As we previously mentioned, many of the rules that usually concern pet birds don’t apply to pigeons to the same degree or at all so here’s what you need to make sure of before purchasing them a cage.
Cage Size For One Pigeon And More
The most important thing for pigeons is the length and width of a cage. They won’t climb cage walls like other pet birds so height is not as important to them. Since floor space is more important to them we suggest you get a cage that’s at least 42-in wide, 27-in long, and 30-in tall. This size can house 2 pigeons or 1.
Can Pigeons Be Housed Together?
Not only that they can but we suggest you do house more than one together. They’re flock animals and have close bonds with their flock members. Just the fact that they mate for life says a lot about it. It’s easier to pair a male and female than it is to pair 2 males but it is still possible. Fake eggs can prevent overbreeding.

Is Wire Spacing Important To Them?
In indoor housing, in case you have a cat or dog, you should focus on wire spacing. We’d advise a wire spacing of 0.5” at most. This goes true for outdoor housing as well. In indoor housing without cats or dogs, you can go bigger than 0.5” as well. As for wire gauge, 16 gauge wire for outdoor housing is fine, indoors, it doesn’t matter.
Bottom Of A Cage
You’ll have to make certain adjustments to the cage you get. Pigeon feet are sensitive and they can easily get hurt if they constantly walk on the wire bottoms of a cage. That’s why we advise you to cover the bottom with an easy-to-clean material or something you can easily dispose of. A few materials that can be considered are plastic, yoga mats, linoleum, or wood.
Do Pigeons Need Perches And Toys?
Not perches, but shelves. They can’t stand on perches and can’t rest on them so shelves are a better option. Toys to consider are forage toys. Forage toys include a food reward that they have to work for. They also love bathing so a shallow bath should satisfy them. Apart from toys, make sure they get exercise out of their cage daily(unless it’s an aviary)
Best 5 Pigeon Cages
As we said, pigeons aren’t picky when it comes to cage types so don’t be surprised when you see a dog crate reviewed here. Nonetheless, we tried to keep the cages in the bird realm too with a few exceptions. All are safe for pigeons if you follow the rules and tips we listed above.
Midwest Pigeon Bird Cage
Wire Spacing: 1”
Bottom: Plastic Tray
Extras: None
Use Location: Indoor
Although it’s not initially a birdcage, in many cases, a dog crate will do a better job of keeping your pigeon happy than a birdcage. It’s spacious, not too tall, and it features a plastic cleaning tray on the bottom.
It has 2 entrances, a front one and a side one. You can use just the one to replace accessories and replenish food and water supplies but it will be easier to clean with two doors instead of one.
It easily folds and unfolds. It does weigh 44 lbs but if you are going to move it, you can unfold it and carry it like a suitcase. It has an e-coat finish that protects it from rusting and corroding prematurely.
$100 – $200 varies from webshop to webshop: Amazon, Walmart, eBay
- It’s easy to access due to two entrances
- Can be folded down for storage or transport
- Has a plastic bottom tray
- Can’t be used if you have cats or dogs at home
Pawhut Hexagon Bird Cage
Wire Spacing: 0.5”
Bottom: Wire Grid
Extras: Food Stations, Perches
Use Location: Indoor, Outdoor
Surely the bottom of this cage will provide your pigeon with enough floor space. You can house two inside if you’d like but we do suggest you line the bottom with something other than the already available wire grid.
It features a canopy and an antique curved and hollow legs stand. This stand also features wheels for higher mobility and a storage shelf. The interior is 44-in tall.
It’s colored white and grey so it’ll blend far better into homes than other cages. The only issue is the small front entrance that doesn’t allow you to make some changes to the inside.
- The hexagon shape provides more space inside
- It sits on a rolling antique stand
- Features a storage shelf for pigeon supplies
- The front door is too small for you to make changes inside
Aivituvin Outdoor Bird Cage
Wire Spacing: 0.5”
Bottom: None
Extras: Perches, Nesting Areas
Use Location: Outdoors
Even if you wanted to use this as an indoor option, the lack of bottom and sheer size will prevent you from doing so. Don’t use it to house just one pigeon though. If you can, use its full potential which is housing 10-15 pigeons.
It features a total of 6 separate nesting areas. They can be accessed from the outside back. Each of the 2 rows has its slide-out cleaning tray. It features an asphalt roof which means it’s waterproof.
It’s made out of firwood primarily while its sides are covered with mesh wire. It has one entrance that allows you to enter it and another side entrance. It has a weather-resistant finish and the wire is galvanized to prevent rusting and corrosion.
- Features galvanized wire and a weather-resistant finish
- Has 6 nesting areas
- Can house a total of 15 pigeons
- Only meant for outdoor use
Srrpspigeon Breeding Bird Cage
Wire Spacing: Non-Applicable
Bottom: Wood Grid
Extras: Foof And Water Cups
Use Location: Indoors
Initially thought of as a breeding cage, it’s still big enough to house one pigeon inside comfortably. Although it has a gridded bottom, the bars are made out of wood so they’ll go easier on your pigeon’s feet. Below them, you’ll find the cleaning trays.
It can be split into two with a divider door. You can also take the door out and hide it to use it whole. It features two separate entrances and comes with 2 plastic cups for food, water, or both.
It’s made with polypropylene which means it’ll be easier to clean. It also handles water well so you won’t have to worry about bacteria developing. You can even stack multiple cages together.
$100 – $120 varies from webshop to webshop: Amazon
- Won’t develop bacteria since it’s made with PP plastic
- Has a wooden grid bottom
- Can only house one pigeon if not used for breeding
Mcage Stacker Bird Cage
Wire Spacing: 0.5”
Bottom: Wire Grid
Extras: Bowls, Perches
Use Location: Indoors
You won’t be wasting any height with this cage since you can split it into two. That way it acts as a stacked bird cage. Each separate cage comes with 5 food and water bowls. Each can be placed at its entrance.
You can repurpose the side feeding doors into nesting box doors. It’s made with wrought iron and has a hammered paint finish that prevents early rust and corrosion. It sits on 4 wheels and you can lock some to keep it stable.
The front door to each cage is centered and big enough for you to change up things inside it. The wire spacing makes it safe for you to house the pigeons in the presence of both dogs and cats.
$300 – $400 varies from webshop to webshop: Amazon, Walmart, eBay
- Can house pigeons together or separately
- Has dog and cat proof wire spacing
- You’ll have to lace something else on the wire grid floor
FAQ And Other Fun Facts About Pigeons
Are Pigeons Clean Animals?
They get a bad reputation since they’re mostly associated with city pigeons and diseases but they are very clean and love cleaning themselves. They’re no dirtier than other pet birds like budgies, cockatiels, etc…
Will A Pet Pigeon Fly Away?
They can but the rule is to never let a pe pigeon fly loose in a way that allows them to escape. Pet pigeons can’t survive in the wild either but they can find their way home though. They have been known to fly over 1100 miles back to their homes. You can train them to do so but you’re not a serious pigeon trainer its highly unlikely that this will be the case.
Do Pigeons Bond With Humans?
They can be a faithful and loyal companion if you spend time bonding with them. This includes feeding them and playing with them. It will be easier for the pigeon to bond with you if it is kept alone while when in a pair, you’ll have to go the extra mile to do so with both but it’s still possible.
Do Pigeons Like To Be Petted?
Although with most birds the rule is that petting a bird is for the owner and not the bird, with pigeons the opposite is true. They love being taken out of their cage. They love to be held and yes, they love cuddling and being petted. They also love riding on their owners’ shoulders and heads.
Favorite Food
They aren’t picky when it comes to food but they adore seeds. You can introduce them to a diet consisting of corn, rice (no, they won’t explode if they consume it!), pearl millets, wheat, chickpeas, and safflower. They do eat other things as well.
Emotional Pets
They express their sadness by grunting. They aren’t capable of producing tears though. They do have feelings and will express their distress. They can feel love, grief, hate, and fear.
Pigeons And Music
Many birds enjoy music so it’s no wonder that pigeons will l bob their head to a good classical or jazz tune. People report that it can help lonesome or stressed pigeons calm down. They will mostly react to instrumental music but can react to vocal music as well.
Remembering Faces
If you shoo a pigeon in the city, chances are, it’s going to remember your face and avoid you the next time it sees you. They won’t even get fooled if you change your clothes. This just goes to show how intelligent these birds are.
How To Make A Cage For Pigeons At Home
Diy has become increasingly popular over the years. We understand the appeal, you get to spend time making something with your own two hands so making a pigeon cage should be no different. If you’d like to take on a fun new project, try it out.
1. First, you’ll make the frame using wooden planks, a saw, a hammer, and nails. After you’re done, you’re going to add more planks to it to secure it.
2. Place wooden boards on the bottom and nail them in. You’ll do the same for the second level, top, back, right, and left side.
3. You’ll then make two board walls to split the cage into a total of 4 sections.
4. It’s time to take the wire mesh, measure it, and cut out 4 holes that’ll be used as entrances on each corner. Nail it down, secure it with more planks.
5. Take the hinges and attach them to what will soon serve as a door. You can either make the locks or buy them and you’re done.
It’s easier to do things with a guide to follow so here’s a video to make sure you’re doing everything right.
To Sum Up
Although it might seem non-traditional, a dog crate such as the Midwest Pigeon Bird Cage will make a perfect indoor pigeon cage. You can house two pigeons inside and can easily make changes to the inside due to two large front doors. You can even fold it down for storage if you’d lie and it already comes with a plastic tray for the bottom. In case you plan to get your own, be sure to check out whether it’s an indoor or outdoor cage. Make sure you get the wire spacing right if you have other pets and watch out for the size.
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