It’s normal the readers want to know how the team behind the site they follow regularly make money. Below, we will give you the information about how we earn publishing the content about pets. All the profit we get we use to give the rewards to our writers who spend a lot of time searching for the answers the readers ask as well as creating various articles. Our writers say they enjoy working on new topics no matter the profit. We put the readers first and the money we make is a reward for the effort we have put in.
What Is The Sorce Of Money We Make?
The money comes from the advertisers that are on the list of our partners. Our partners share with us the same interests so the base of our collaboration is not money but interest. We help each other to achieve financial success. We publish the link of their sites and when they achieve a sale, we get a small percent of the money they earn. As a thank you for sharing their links, we achieve small commissions based on clicks, registering on their site, and similar actions. The money we get doesn’t come from some extra investments of the readers.
Is Petovly Credible Site?
Considering the way we make money the readers often ask themself: does this site want only to sell the recommended product or is it really as good as they say? The truth is that we don’t recommend any product we consider it not worth buying. We mention all the bad sides of a product as well as its good sides. The final choice depends on the reader. Our partners don’t influence our list of recommended products nor the review we write. We have a lot of partners and we do not depend on any of them. If we recommend some product to buy, it’s our true suggestion to you and no hidden profit lies behind it.
The brands whose products we mention may or may not be on the list of our partners. As we said, we review the best-rated models and don’t pay attention to the brand. Our first principle is to suggest a product that is helpful for the readers no matter the profit we may achieve from the sale.
As we create new content, we mention new products so it’s normal that the list of our associates increases. Getting more partners signifies the content of our site is quality. We try to create the content worth reading and no financial profit can change our editorial independence.